Welcome to: *UNMUZZLED CHAT* Where we want to stand STRONG against the worst type of censorship! (SELF CENSORSHIP) Please JOIN US/ help us grow and refine our platform/ community! We are so excited to dive into certain important controversial topics yet keep it a discussion where we keep calm and never lose sight of keeping things a conversation! (CHAT) We are also so excited to have guests on (YOU YES YOU) to share your/ their life stories! Life experience from; spiritual/ God, health, fitness, success, failure, challenges, illness, business, financial, unique situations basically anything and everything. We want to grasp essentially everything that leads to helping folks improve their own quality of life across the board and in doing so insure a BETTER TOMORROW/ FUTURE FOR ALL! Come on lets set down our weapons and CHAT/ figure out together what this life is all about! Please SUBSCRIBE/ SHARE, helps us grow and impact lives. Follow us on whatever platforms you have! For video we are on RUMBLE/ youtube (for now) For audio we are on SPOTIFY/ every single podcast app out there! click links provided or simply search; UNMUZZLED CHAT BLESS YOU! LOVE YOU! LETS DO THIS! Take your MUZZLES off and lets CHAT! If you want to be on the podcast be sure to email us; unmuzzledchat@gmail.com

Saturday Jan 25, 2025
Saturday Jan 25, 2025
Can We Take the most simple Action today to support our Military Warriors? These Men showed up for US! True Patriots that want the best for all of us!Please Share this with as many as you are able!
Lance Castle- give send gohttps://www.givesendgo.com/2ndCourtMartial?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=2ndCourtMartial&fbclid=IwY2xjawGwE-9leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHUKvPLlQ4rCBUcS_mGLiVTAwg8yfU7DYimBN4LshFdvaq22hnl6E2FZd3Q_aem__9A4moxrFleXDtwcht3pGAVaccine Petition to eliminate vaccines in the Militaryhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKrd1vjGTBhEqwuw1n5CeBaOQIZoYhc5K2qFverW3rM/mobilebasicVeterans Response to The President's remarks on reinstating the troop.
Please Follow These Warriors!https://rumble.com/user/TheForgottenSoldiers
Lieutenant William N. Moseley took a stand against the unlawful CV19 mandates that were weaponized against Service Members.CHECK OUT & Help us Send out This Document Today!https://freedomfighter1776.com/blog/f/the-unspoken-tragedy-seeking-justice-for-service-members
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
THIS COULD NOT GET ANY EASIER!Simple action to get Bans in place that are Crucial for progress!Click link belowhttps://zerogeoengineering.com/Then click into your State (tab)Click (send a letter to your representative)Fill in name/ email/ zip code/ any personal commentsHit SendThank you all for all you do!!!
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://x.com/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.facebook.com/james.geddes.399/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIW1i6znpw8scZscnphkN0Q
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Gregg has been there and done that! Incredible Recovery Story! Now he is full time fighting the fight to help others Heal from this Epidemic!
He has a Book, started a Foundation, Great Solutions and connections that could help us all!
THIS COULD NOT GET ANY EASIER!Simple action to get Bans in place that are Crucial for progress!Click link belowhttps://zerogeoengineering.com/Then click into your State (tab)Click (send a letter to your representative)Fill in name/ email/ zip code/ any personal commentsHit SendThank you all for all you do!!!
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://x.com/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.facebook.com/james.geddes.399/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIW1i6znpw8scZscnphkN0Q
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Monday Jan 13, 2025
Monday Jan 13, 2025
Always fun connecting with Ade! What are the Best steps we can take to protect ourselves?What is the most Direct path to putting a Stop to this Attack?
Connect with Adehttps://rumble.com/c/TheFallOftheCabalSeries
THIS COULD NOT GET ANY EASIER!Simple action to get Bans in place that are Crucial for progress!Click link belowhttps://zerogeoengineering.com/Then click into your State (tab)Click (send a letter to your representative)Fill in name/ email/ zip code/ any personal commentsHit SendThank you all for all you do!!!
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://x.com/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.facebook.com/james.geddes.399/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIW1i6znpw8scZscnphkN0Q
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Simple action to get Bans in place that are Crucial for progress!Click link belowhttps://zerogeoengineering.com/Then click into your State (tab)Click (send a letter to your representative)Fill in name/ email/ zip code/ any personal commentsHit Send THIS COULD NOT GET ANY EASIER!Thank you all for all you do!!!
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://x.com/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.facebook.com/james.geddes.399/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIW1i6znpw8scZscnphkN0Q
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Charlie Kirk! I have a disagreement, not so much with what you do but how you are going about it!The globalists/ WEF states "Humans are now hackable Animals" & "They have the technology to control the Masses." Among other equally concerning things.Don't you suppose that if you were completely effective in what you are doing here without properly addressing health, they would simply ramp up the attacks on our health! (LIKE THEY ARE!) Completely rendering your plans pointless?If we loose our health and function GAME OVER... Now what's the point of TP USA?
I respect the movement in which you are a part of creating and thus the reason I pose the concern! If you and others blessed with the spotlight tackle these threats I feel we can effectively put a stop to the poisoning of Air then clean up our Water, food, vax, pharma, bio warfare, frequencies, etc... Point is with Proper Health we all Naturally will be in a place to really address all aspects to our lives/ country/ world/ God!
Would love to Share all the Concerns that have been brought to my attention! Let's have a Real chat: unmuzzledchat@gmail.com
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://x.com/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.facebook.com/james.geddes.399/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIW1i6znpw8scZscnphkN0Q
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Do You really think I want this to be the Truth? The reality to the actual word we now live in? NOOOO but, Fact Ignorance is allowing this War Tactic to Continue Whether You Like It Or Not!
All the Links below will help further our Education on this Topic & also Gives us ways to get involved! Let's Share this with THE WORLD Before it is to late!https://americans4acleanatmosphere.com/https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/legal-action/https://x.com/UNMUZZLEDCHAT/status/1874614243078894074https://x.com/UNMUZZLEDCHAT/status/1874891849200288107https://rumble.com/v56b0qy-banning-chemtrails-solutionswatch.htmlhttps://zerogeoengineering.com/https://corbettreport.com/banning-chemtrails/
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.facebook.com/unmuzzled.chat/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHA...https://rumble.com/v629tvn-replay-parasites-viruses-and-global-control-hidden-truths-about-health-and-.html
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Time to Make "Vaccine" Makers Liable Again!!!
Aaron Siri: Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine, & Its Link to the Abortion Industry
Lyme Disease/ Chronic Illness/ Health all around!
Help us hone in on the Root of the issues!
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.facebook.com/unmuzzled.chat/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHA...https://rumble.com/v629tvn-replay-parasites-viruses-and-global-control-hidden-truths-about-health-and-.html
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Friday Dec 27, 2024
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Lyme Disease/ Chronic Illness/ Health all around!
Help us hone in on the Root of the issues!
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.facebook.com/unmuzzled.chat/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHA...https://rumble.com/v629tvn-replay-parasites-viruses-and-global-control-hidden-truths-about-health-and-.html
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Could These Doctors & Scientists now have some breakthrough products that could help us all up our function/ Health?
See for yourself! Read all the Testimonials and dig through all this amazing information!therootbrands.com/unmuzzledchat
To Connect & Support Wendyhttps://linktr.ee/wendyjeanEmail Wendy atInfo@clicks4acause.com
Email Jill atTheDetoxGirls@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1272066266743927
Check out the These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.facebook.com/unmuzzled.chat/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHA...https://rumble.com/v629tvn-replay-parasites-viruses-and-global-control-hidden-truths-about-health-and-.html
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Love you all and Only want the Best for YOU!
Check out the Testimonials of These Products! This Company is doing something right! Let's dive in...
CLICK LINK BELOW (for savings)https://bioptimizers.com/?rfsn=8414418.d95b0a&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8414418.d95b0a
Information could SAVE YOU MONEY and lead you to better Protection!https://insureapatriot.com/Click The Link and mention (UNMUZZLED) You get a FREE Analysis on home/ Business Insurance!Or call them Today (347)-433-5590 --(unmuzzled)
This company Patriot Mobile and all its warriors have been so impressive! It is time that we support movements like this. They are on the Front lines Folks and are doing everything they can to Help us!!! (STOP funding our Enemies!)Excited to see you over there and under their protection.To support Unmuzzled Chat and save money... Promo Code: UNMUZZLEDwww.patriotmobile.com/unmuzzled.
Great source for Communications/ Preparedness/ Food Prephttps://www.offgridgear2go.com/Craig is there to help answer any questions you may have!
Be sure to prepare folks! This product right here dollar for dollar could be the best investment or preparation you do YET!To Save $50 dollars on every single item you order from EMP Shield simply click the link below...https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=unmuzzledchat
Bon Charge is offering all of UNMUZZLED CHAT 15% off all products! (be sure to add discount code: UNMUZZLEDCHAT) during checkoutIt has been our mission to bring our listeners the best products that will improve health at discounted prices...Be sure to check Bon Charge products...https://boncharge.com/?rfsn=7862135.d1f09c
I swear by this stuff!!!Detox with YOUR BODY! The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular levelhttps://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11724
For LIFEWAVE reach out to Tanya let her know Unmuzzle Chat sent you and she will take care of you!https://www.facebook.com/tanyahoebelhttps://lifewave.com/unmuzzledchat
I believe these products to be KEY on Fighting back against all the Frequency War Tactics!https://centropix.us/unmuzzledFor more informationhttps://info.centropix.com/en/Home
Get you Shirt today! (GOD MADE)https://standupnowapparel.com?ref=822for 10% OFF Promo Code: Unmuzzled
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unmuzzledchatHelp us fight back by simply sharing this content!To donate directly click either link belowTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!https://cash.app/$unmuzzledchathttps://venmo.com/code?user_id=2028459777851392668&created=1701725279https://www.gofundme.com/f/james-geddes-vs-lyme
Connect with me at: (all podcast apps)https://unmuzzledchat.podbean.com/https://rumble.com/user/UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://truthsocial.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHAThttps://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.facebook.com/unmuzzled.chat/https://www.tiktok.com/@unmuzzledchat...rumble?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pchttps://www.instagram.com/unmuzzledchat/https://www.youtube.com/@UNMUZZLEDCHA...https://rumble.com/v629tvn-replay-parasites-viruses-and-global-control-hidden-truths-about-health-and-.html
Have you ever tried on a Next Level T? BEST DARN T's you will EVER WEAR!***Best athletic fit***Does NOT shrink***Quality Prints***Ships right to your front door***Does Custom Designs***This company is ran by a Veteran and helping our Veterans! This company is fighting against EVIL!STOP SUPPORTING companies that use your money AGAINST your values!(DON'T FORGET) promocode: UNMUZZLED CHAT 10% off entire order during checkouthttps://blackeagleapparel.myshopify.com/blackeagleapparel.us